03 July 2023
July 3rd - all players report to Dallas for our player and parent meeting and start getting acquainted with each other. Its great to finally see all of the faces together,etc. Especailly great when a SnS alumni shows up, in this case, Erin Glasenapp, a player from my 1991 tour and now her son Ethan is going. First of all, I feel old but so great to hear her memories and the experiences from her trip and the fact that she remains close with some of her SnS teammates, etc. Hoping to create more of these memories.
This journal will feature my thoughts on the daily activiites and you can follow instagram and facebook to get pics and videos so hopefully we can cover all the goings on.
Today we handed out our gear and once we see all in the Stars 'n Stripes uniforms, it really hits home that we are leaving in 2 days. Lots of questions, and all understandable and lots of expectations regarding discipline, etc. Kids had a quick training session with the coaches, learned the Brazilian warm up, and started learning names of all of their teammates.
Great first day of an amazing experience ahead.
Training tomororw to celebrate the 4th.
Ciao, Ed