10th July 2022
July 10th - the wind finally eased off today and allowed for a great Danish Summer day. no Breakfast club today as we let the kids sleep in. They have been killing it and we felt they needed a little break. Breakfast at 8, training at 10 am. Sharpness still not there but we are getting better. after training, lunch at 1 and then afternoon training at 4:30 but kids kept going at it so we trained well after 6:30 which pushed our dinner time to 8 pm. Had a great chat about nutrituion and snacking, etc. Hope the kids are paying attention and might have to change a few parent habits in the process, hint, hint. After dinner, the kids get their phones and all call or text home and friends. They are pretty excited and have an impromptu dance party. Go see the videos, pretty impressive. Kids all go to the park and play in the playground and have a great evening. We also do some laundry so we are clean for tomorrows transfer. Food has been great, stay has been great, but still missing 4 bags, so frustrating!!! Cleaning rooms and depart tomorrow for Cup 1 accomodations. Kids excited to chat with famiy so that was fun!