08 January 2016
Friday, Jan 8 here in Valencia and another great day.
Breakfast at 9 and bus departure for city tour of Valencia.
It was awesome and we had a blast as we walked around with a guide detailing the city of Valencia and its history, traditions, monuments, sights, etc. Boys enjoyed it tremendously and took tons of pictures.
Lunch at 1:30 and then after we relax a bit, off on bus departure for some footvolley, which is sand soccer volleyball. We had a blast and teams of 3 played 6 games each. I won't tell you who won the most games, actually it was 5 wins, but we had the most experience on the team, hint, hint!!!
As they say, you cannot buy experience in a pharmacy, LOL.
After footvolley, its off to the beach and all of the boys got into the water, Mediterranean Sea, and it was cold, frigid cold, but great for our legs.
Dinner at 8:30 and curfew at 10:30 tonight.
Big game tomorrow and we are getting back into game mode so wish us luck more tomorrow.