16 July 2013
Dear SnS families, thank you for my girls!!!
Boys had a rough day as Boys A started us off and played much better but lost 1-0 to a Norwegian team. They fought and I am happy with that, but still getting punished for mistakes.
Boys B had a shocker, lets call it opening ceremony hangover and the ref did not help much as we lost 5-0 to a Swedish team, ouch. Lets forget this game and concentrate on Wed game.
Girls rocked this AM as they won against a Finish team 3-0 and then tied a very good Swedish team 1-1 and what a war. Girls are believing so lets hope the boys fall into place.
After games today, we all went to Heden Center and did some shopping, watch some games, and get some ice cream, and yes, I had some ice cream too and boy was it good.
Another great dinner and with a few parents on tour, tonight so I gave the kids permission to hang with mom and dad for a few hours.
Weather was awesome today, cool AM, about 60 and then warmed up to about 80 and sunny.
Big day Wed as we will see where we fall with our standing, advancement, etc.
Wish us luck
Girls - game 1 - Megan Paul
Girls - game 2 - Amber Devine
Boys A - Travis Carmichael
Boys B - Carlos Gonzalez