12 July 2009
5pm - Dallas Time
We leave the Czech Republic with great memories and an invitation to return, which we will, I guarantee it.
The drive was not bad as the kids were very patient with each other and the bus. These long bus rides are great for team bonding and we are now closer than ever. We have tons of new brothers and sisters on this trip. As we pulled into Gothenburg, the excitement rose on the bus and radio was blarring and the energy was clearly present and it continued with our training session. Wish us luck on Monday as our games begin but as we told the kids, we are not here to win but rather to learn and experience and so far we have done just that.
Kids have access to internet but have limited phone service but will have their cell phones back on Tuesday, as long as they deserve it. Speaking of deserving, forgot to tell you one small story regarding food. Our last meal was once again outstanding and we have our rule about finishing what you receive on your plate. Well, sure enough we had one plate that was not completely cleaned by eating every last morsel, but when asked about who owned this plate, no one claimed it. I was going to release the junk food ban for one night and gave them a 2nd chance to own up to the food. well as you can imagine, no one owned up and the junk food ban continued. We have now gone almost an entire week with good healthy food and that will continue as we compete in games tomorrow.
All going well and will update you tomorrow with results, etc.
Wish us luck,