05 July 2007
8:30am CST
Text Message:
Transfer going smoothly. Boarding flight to Milan now. Still had kids pack the wrong stuff in their carry on like sunscreen, mouthwash, etc. Not happy about that. Will fix for next transfer.
11:55am CST
Text Message:
Arrived Ok, including KAT from London. No bags or kids lost. Will recap later tonight.
6:10pm CST
Email Message:
Long day has finally ended but no issues at all. No luggage lost and no kids lost so that is a great day. Had a great dinner at our hotel in Largo Di Garda, pasta was pre dinner dish and kids were amazed that there was more as we had a buffet that went on and on, but the pasta was tremendous. Rooms are mostly 3-4 per room.
Arrived around 9.30 pm so no time for a jog but tomorrow morning we have our first session at 6.30 am, known as our infamous breakfast club. Either we are doing a great job of organizing or we have some great kids because only 2 kids did sit ups today. Tino and Bothe, for missing their number on our count off. Each player has a number so when we say count off, we can get an accurate count of our kids quickly. The team sit ups for trash left at the airline terminal will be conducted tomorrow.
FYI, the staff from Air France congratulated our kids on their behavior and conduct. One of the best groups they have ever had and coming from the French, WOW!!!!!!!!!!! No problem with transfers although Paris was a little tight and crowded with our transfer. All worked out great.
Kids are sleeping right now, at least we think, since it is still the afternoon in the states, but tomorrow will bring us our first sessions. Cell phones are turned off and will be for some time. Kids will be too busy for homesick so no worries there. I do have one pair of sweatpants that have not been claimed but when we check tomorrow morning, someone will owe me 500 sit ups. Any guesses? We would know now except there is no name on the tag. Another mess up.
Lastly, we did have a few kids not realize I was serious about the 45 pounds on the check in. No worries as we fixed it and we had several kids not pay attention to the no liquids rule with their carry on bags. We lost sunscreen, mouthwash, woolite, etc. Most woolite were confiscated at check in as they were not allowed on the plane, first time for that. We will improvise if we have too.
Have a great day and will update journal tomorrow.