11 July 2005
7am, July 11, we loaded our bus, 7:30am was breakfast, 8am we had our long day on the bus. 2 rest stops and 10 1/2 hours later, we arrive at Frederickshaven at 6:30pm local time. We had dinner, toured the fields, toured the complex, got to march in the Dana Cup Opening Ceremonies. They got to take pictures with the team from Africa. Then we came back, took showers, made some phone calls home for those that were not too tired. The kids are now bedded down in their beds, ready to start their games tomorrow. It was a very good long bus ride today. It was also a very good team building day on the bus. Quick day today. Nothing too crazy to talk about other than the fact that everything is going well.
Germany was a fantastic stop for us. We had a ball.
Denmark was hot today, probably in the low 90's. We expect more of this weather this week.
Accommodations are all set up. The kids are in the school rooms. All of the girls are in one big classroom and the boys in another classroom with matresses, blankets, sheets, pillows and pillow cases. All the comforts of home.
The kids will have access to the Internet Cafe tomorrow.
Taylor's parents, the Gilliland's, arrived today and they joined everyone for dinner and got to see the opening ceremonies and will get to see the games tomorrow.
First games are on Tuesday. The boys play at 11am and 3:10pm. The girls play at 7pm and 7:50pm.
The teams will only have practices this week depending on how they do this week and how the schedule works out too. They will do a lot of match analysis this week.
No POD's for today.