27 July 2001
Return home - friday - nice flight home today, only 3 hours of sleep before a 4:30 wakeup call and then we pack the bus. great stay in denmark, there is a sadness in the air as the kids know the tour is winding down. even though we can not wait to get home to see our families, leaving a great experience is very difficult. the flight home is long, 10 hours, but time enough for players to have jerseys signed, exchange email addresses, and share some tour memories. we arrive to an excited crowd at dfw and we have some tears of joy as well as sadness. i read a poem that i wrote on the plane and put some finality to the tour. in closing, i can tell how great the tour was by how exhausted i am. full of memories and experiences that will stay with me a long time. hope all enjoyed themselves and can not wait to do it again.
See you at the far post,
Ed puskarich
Stars 'n Stripes
2001 Stars 'n Stripes Tour Awards
player of week in germany - girls 19/16 - jessica eberhart
- girls 14 - helen heres
- boys - matthew hancock
player of week, gothia cup - girls 19 - megan winegar
- girls 16 - lindsey jaggers
- girls 14 - kelli calhoun
- boys - jon prior
player of week, denmark - girls 19 - crystal sanders
- girls 16 - mary geels
- girls 14 - amy baker
- boys - kevin perod
player of the tour - girls 19/16 - reagan anderes
- girls 14 - kelli calhoun
- boys - jon prior
golden boot - (most goals scored on tour) - helen heres, 21 goals
koutoupis award - girls - megan winegar
- boys - jon prior